Forests (Regulation of Log Traders + Forestry Advisers) Amendment Bill
NZTIF firmly supports this Bill and its purpose.
It is NZTIF’s view that the registration of forestry advisors and log traders would bring about a level of discipline in the log market that would benefit the whole forestry sector.
We expect the Bill, once fully evolved, will have a positive impact on addressing the issues around sustainable log supply for the sawmilling and domestic wood processing industry.
We anticipate the Bill will go some way towards growing the domestic processing industry and helping to prevent further closures of mills that have occurred primarily as a result of unsustainable log supply volatility and price.
We also see benefits for forest growers in terms of reducing their reliability on a single dominant market.
Licensed forestry advisers and log traders operating under a code of ethics will provide information and advice that enables growers, especially smaller scale owners, to fully consider and appreciate all available options for the marketing of their logs.
NZTIF does not oppose the export of logs.
We consider log export to be a legitimate market option for forest owners.
We believe forest owners should be able to rely on credible advice about the advantages of supplying domestic sawmills and wood processors.