WOODmark® Licensees

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Whether you're sourcing large quantities of treated timber or verifying the origin of a specific piece, our comprehensive list of WOODmark® licensees has you covered.

Search for a Trusted Timber Treatment Plant or Verify Your Timber's Source

Each plant in this directory is certified under New Zealand's leading independent quality assurance programme, ensuring your timber meets the highest standards. Simply browse the contact details below to connect with a trusted treatment plant, or use the WOODmark® code to trace your timber back to its source.

TPC Licensees

Plant NumberNameAddress 1Address 2Address 3Phone NumberWebsiteEmail Address
687Anderson & O'Leary Ltd - Kumeu246 Main RoadKUMEU 081009 412 7011pinepac.co.nzpinepac@pinepac.co.nz
167Anderson & O'Leary Ltd - Whenuapai2 Airport RoadWhenuapaiAUCKLAND 061809 416 8164pinepac.co.nzpinepac@pinepac.co.nz
290Ashley Industrial Services8 Mill RoadOxford CANTERBURY 743003 312 3341ashleyindustrial.co.nzadmin@ais.co.nz
125Colville Sawmill 59 Woods RoadColvilleCOROMANDEL 358407 866 6813colvillesawmill.co.nzcolvillesawmill@yahoo.co.nz
131Core Timber Services10 Margaret Williams DrivePapakuraAUCKLAND 211009 299 7720wearecore.co.nzinfo@wearecore.co.nz
472Cypress Sawmill700 Kahikatea Flat Road,RD 1WAITOKI 087109 420 5485cypress-sawmill.co.nzsales@cypress-sawmill.co.nz
995Taylor Timbers Ltd194 Ranzu RoadHopeNELSON 03 544 7077taylortimber.co.nzsales@taylortimbers.co.nz
756Davis Sawmilling Ltd72 Boundary RoadFEATHERSTON 577106 308 9099nztif.co.nz/dir/davis-sawmillingdsm@0508-timber.co.nz
285Eastown Timber Processors Ltd4 Holyoake StreetWhanganui EastWHANGANUI 450006 349 0040eastown.co.nzadmin@eastown.co.nz
316Eurocell Wood Products50 Beatty StreetTahunanuiNELSON 704403 5475621eurocell.co.nzoffice@eurocell.co.nz
454Findlater Sawmilling LtdTussock Creek RoadRD 1WINTON 978103 221 7310heather@findlater.co.nz
183Goldpine Industries Ltd411 Gibbs RdGOLDEN DOWNS 709603 522 4319goldpine.co.nz
675Great Southern - Ashburton143 Alford Forest RoadAllentonASHBURTON 770003 308 5304greatsouthern.net.nz
347Great Southern - Invercargill103 West Plains RoadRD 4INVERCARGILL 987403 215 9738greatsouthern.net.nz
305Great Souther - Oamaru26 Maudes RoadOAMARU 949203 434 8658greatsouthern.net.nz
278Great Southern - RanfurlyAlexander StreetRANFURLY 939703 444 9248greatsouthern.net.nz
140Great Southern - Toko76 Springfield RoadMILTON 929203 417 7341greatsouthern.net.nz
214Hewvan Timber2 - 10 Tiverton StreetPalmerstonOTAGO 943003 465 1110hewvantimber.co.nzcaitlin@hewvan.co.nz
85Hillpoint Timber 246 Munro StreetRD 3WINTON 9783021 685 419hpt.nzkirkmunro.hpt@gmail.com
281Hollows Timber Kakapuaka RoadKAKAPUAKA 927303 418 2594nztif.co.nz/dir/hollows-timber
144HTL Group48 Beach RoadRichmondNELSON 702003 544 6006htl.nzsales@htl.nz
127International Panel & Lumber3 Trickies RoadGladstoneGREYMOUTH 780503 762 6759iplply.nzsales@iplply.nz
165Juken NZ Ltd11 Whangatane DriveKAITAIA 048209 408 0300jnl.co.nz
448Larsen Sawmilling Ltd77 Main RoadMakarakaGISBORNE 401006 867 7135larsawn.co.nzadmin@larsawn.co.nz
132Lumbercorp NZ Ltd - Te Puke288 Jellicoe StTe Puke 311907 573 6348lumbercorp.co.nzsales@lumbercorp.co.nz
435Lumbercorp NZ Ltd - Ohinewai364 Lumsden RoadOhinewaiHUNTLY 377107 826 3366lumbercorp.co.nzsales@lumbercorp.co.nz
65Lumbercorp NZ Ltd - Pokeno155 State Highway 2MANGATAWHIRI 2471lumbercorp.co.nzsales@lumbercorp.co.nz
700McAlpines Timber Ltd7 Ellis RoadRANGIORA 740003 313 8339mcalpines.co.nztimbersales@mcalpines.co.nz
989McAlpines (Rotorua) Ltd60 -64 Vaughan RoadNgapunaROTORUA 301007 345 6072mcalpines.co.nzrotorua@mcalpines.co.nz
979McVicar Timber 550 Johns RoadHarewoodCHRISTCHURCH 805103 359 8144mcvicar.co.nzoffice@mcvicar.co.nz
411Mitchpine Ltd931 State Highway 1POROUTAWHAO 557206 368 5252mitchpine.co.nzsales@mitchpine.co.nz
164One Forty One85 Mahers RoadKaitunaRENWICK 727303 572 8921onefortyone.comkaituna.sales@onefortyone.co.nz
484Ngahere Processing Co Ltd2395 State Highway 7NGAHERE 787203 732 4894westimber.co.nz
714Ngahere Sawmilling Company Ltd11 Cardigan Bay RoadMATAURA 977203 203 8520ngaheresawmill.co.nz
29Otago Lumber Co Ltd198 Bush RoadMOSGIEL 909203 489 7847otagolumber.co.nzadmin@otagolumber.co.nz
600Point Lumber Ltd48 Racecourse RoadWashdykeTIMARU 791003 688 2591pointlumber.co.nzsales@pointlumber.co.nz
671Pukepine Kerepehi100 Kerepehi Town RoadKEREPEHI 367107 573 9161pukepine.co.nzsales@pukepine.co.nz
166Rapaura Timber 2015 Ltd163 Hammerichs RoadRAPAURA 727203 578 0221rapauratimber.co.nz
238Ruahine Timber Ltd61 Thomson StreetORMONDVILLE 497706 374 1891ruahinetimber.co.nzruahinetimber@hotmail.com
698South Pine (Nelson) 67 Quarantine RoadAnnebrookNELSON 701103 547 9629southppine.co.nzsales@southpine.co.nz
306Stoneyhurst Timbers Ltd13 Dickeys RoadBelfastCHRISTCHURCH 805103 323 8879stoneyhurst.co.nzadmin@stoneyhurst.co.nz
16Tapawera Timber Treatment99 Tadmor Valley RoadTapaweraWAKEFIELD 709603 522 4312
418Topuni Timber LtdSchiska RdState Highway 1KAIWAKA 097509 431 2855topunitimber.co.nzsales@topunitimber.co.nz
402Young Bros.42 Stedman RoadMOSGIEL 909203 489 5861youngbros.co.nz

TPC Affiliate

Carter Holt Harvey TimberNelson
Croft Pole Distributors LimitedWhangarei0508 476 537sales@croftpoles.co.nzcroftpoles.co.nz
Juken New Zealand LimitedGisborne06 869 1100jnl.co.nz
Juken New Zealand LimitedMastertonjnl.co.nz
Permapine LimitedReporoa07 333 8523permapine.co.nz
Red Stag Timber LimitedRotorua0800 733 7824redstagtimber.co.nz
Roundwood New Zealand LimitedTokoroa0800 505 525office@roundwood.co.nzroundwoodnz.co.nz

Can’t Find the Information You Need?

If you can't find the information you're looking for or need help with a specific enquiry, we're here to assist. Whether it's sourcing a particular type of timber, verifying a WOODmark® code, or any other question, don't hesitate to reach out.

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