NZTIF Annual Wages Survey 2023
Our members survey of wages and conditions of employment in the year to 30 April 2023 was recently completed. Highlights included;
1. Hourly wage rates increased by an average 5.36% across all skill categories and experience levels.
2. Weekly hours were;
5 days at 8 hours 14%
5 days at 9 hours 28%
5 days at 9.5 hours 14%
5 days at 10 hours 14%
4 days at 10 hours 14%
Other variations such as 4.5 and 5.5 day working weeks and 8.5 hour working days were also reported. The survey period covered very buoyant demand conditions which since that time have faded and we expect that weekly working hours will diminish in our next survey.
3. Staff turnover rose marginally in 2023 compared to 2022 with 59% of those surveyed experiencing a turnover of 0-20% this year and 36% experiencing a 21-40% turnover. In 2022 the equivalent numbers were 55% and 32%.
4. This year 65% of those surveyed reported labour shortages compared to 72% in 2023. Shortages were being felt across all positions including general mill workers, table hands, machinists and truck drivers.
The full survey results have been sent to participants.