Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

10 January 2011

WOODmark licensees, in particular treaters of framing timbers, should now be looking to implement the provisions of the Standard Operating Procedures for timber treatment in their own systems. Our auditors will be looking for compliance by licensees commencing with their first round of plant visits in January and February.

We had good attendances at our workshops just prior to Christmas but we know that for various reasons several licensees were unable to attend. We are happy to assist anyone regarding the introduction of the SOP at their sites. Just contact us at the TPC office.

Remember that the SOP is being trialled for a period until the end May. This will allow time for any issues to be identified with a view to refining the SOP as necessary. If you have any comments please forward them to the TPC office.

To see a copy of the SOP for timber treatment, go to the Publications section on this website.

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